Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Beth Weiss | 16 January 2021

Daniel Delby and Cam McLaren present The Confessional; an immersive comedy experience where the audience confesses their deepest and darkest (sometimes ethically questionable) secrets. The concept itself is a good one; you write your confession anonymously on a slip as you enter and place it in a box.

Everyone’s confessions are read on stage by McLaren and Delby and it is unanimously decided whether the confession is worth forgiveness. If you own up to your confession, all your sins are absolved are you are rewarded with a Tim Tam and a shot of goon to wash it down. No matter how ridiculous or wild, there’s no judgement here.

Improvisational humour is tricky to grasp, and the pair nailed it. They generated humour from unpredictable sources, whilst maintaining consistent audience engagement and high energy. Notably, there was very little reliance on preprepared material, which is a testament to their talent. There were no awkward silences and pretty much everybody owned up to their confession—including myself!

This particular show interluded with UK hailing Jon Pinder who was a delight to watch. Some people are just effortlessly funny. That’s exactly how I would describe Jon. He was the perfect addition to the show, and I would highly recommend checking out his other show SINGLE.

Cam McLaren has a fantastic stage presence, and just comes across as an all-round genuine guy. He can hold a crowd extremely well and has a good knack for encouraging audience members be involved without forcing it. McLaren is relaxed and easy going in his comedic style but injects his delivery with moments of unexpected sharp wit, which left the audience in fits of laughter.

Dan Delby, one of McLaren’s close mates is a sensational addition to the show. It almost seems necessary for the concept of the show that two comedians present it, and the pair bounced off each other extremely well. Delby should be commended for his comedic recall and timing, and also might I add, his rapping skills. 

Grab a drink and be prepared for some solid laughs, get something off your chest and perhaps leave feeling a little lighter.