Customer Reviews:
2 reactions
Recycle that, would see again
Recycle that, would see again
Laughed so hard I cried
Laughed so hard I cried
Greatest of all time
Greatest of all time
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Recycle that, would see again
“Recycle that, would see again”
Reviewed by Mel R.
31 January 2024
Recycle that, would see again
“Recycle that, would see again”
Not just for teachers! Good fun.
Reviewed by Marie-Lise S.
23 January 2024
See all customer reviews for 3:30pm on the Last Day of School
Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Stu Moore | 20 January 2024

Lovable larrikin Ty Gray regaled us with tales from the life of a school teacher - both as seen by the kids and when letting their hair down (literally and figuratively). Many of the stories Melbourne-based Ty recounted centred on his own experiences, and the way he tells it he certainly seems to have had a fun time over the years.


Teachers are professionals and Ty gave the impression that at certain times they are almost obliged to be full-time actors especially when responding to some of the ridiculous interactions that occur in and out of the classroom. And the way Ty expounded them I was frequently crying with laughter.


As might be expected given the promotional material, there were quite a few teachers in the audience and, judging by the roars of laughter, they identified with many of the shenanigans Ty described. But don’t worry we have all spent enough time in classrooms over the years for the jokes to work just as well for non-teachers.


Who would have thought that teachers are actually human beings with flaws and quirks and weird habits all of their own? How far should teachers go to hide this fundamental truth from their students?


There are a few contradictions in Ty’s delivery and presence as he is both relaxed but also a little bit hyper, a sort of yogi party animal. And here’s a little survey/ quiz for everyone to mull over:

  • What is the worst class to have to teach with a hangover?
  • If you could ask any question, anonymously, in your sex education class, what would you ask?


Great teachers are so important for our kids and I am encouraged by seeing a character such as Ty in the profession, although I fancy that Ty is eyeing up a full time career in standup comedy. Catch him at the Comedy Garden before he gets seriously famous.